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Call today and save 20% On Move In/Move Out Cleaning
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Visits: 812

Date Posted: 9/10/2013 4:40:51 PM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: multiservicesrc  
Address: 2181 Avenue Rd, Toronto, Ontario M5M 4B8  
Call today and save 20% On Move In/Move Out Cleaning Move In/Move Out Cleaning is our specialty. We offer a comprehensive move in/out package that cleans your establishment from top to bottom. Our rates vary depending on your specific needs. We make it easy for you by providing you two great packages to choose from. A move in/out cleaning consists of everything in a routine cleaning, Clean, sanitize and polish all bathroom fixtures including toilet bowl, shower and tub, Clean all glass and mirrors, plus cleaning of the baseboards, window sills, light switches and sockets, oven, stove, inside/ outside refrigerator, ceiling fans, interior cabinets and drawers, sweep and mop floors, vacuum carpets, Windows on the Inside more. MULTI SERVICES Residential & Commercial Cleaning Service Professional Cleaners without The Professional Price Fully Insured & Bonded, Trained Certified and are Safety Certified To keep your mind at ease and protect your assets. Multi Service

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