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Date Posted

$70 - Mink & 3D Multi-Layered Eyelash Extensions 820 $70.00 2/13/2014 12:27:37 PM
At Eye Kandy Lashes we strive to create a personal and very pleasant experience for each of our clients. We''''re not a Big Spa or Salon focusing on getting as many people in and out the door as possible, but rather a small Lash Studio that specializes in...
Commercial Cleaning Services in Toronto You Get 25% Off 914 PleaseContact 11/5/2013 2:54:21 PM
ODE OF REMEMBRANCE They went with songs to the battle, they were young Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow They were staunch to the end against all odds uncounted They fell with their faces to the foe They shall not grow old, as we that ...
COMMERCIAL CLEANING SERVICES IN TORONTO 986 PleaseContact 9/10/2013 4:45:04 PM
COMMERCIAL CLEANING SERVICES IN TORONTO YOUR FIRST CLEANING IS 40% OFF. We understand how important overall appearance and cleanliness is in order to achieve a professional look at your workplace. Along with this, it is a known fact that a clean busin...

Sponsored Listings

Basements Cleaning Services in Toronto 912 PleaseContact 9/10/2013 4:44:01 PM
Basements Cleaning Services in Toronto. Is your basement dusty and full of cobwebs? Get your basement cleaned at an affordable rate. We will remove cobwebs and dust, clean furniture and underneath if needed, clean washer and dryer / water tank and f...
Get your balcony cleaned at an affordable rate 929 PleaseContact 9/10/2013 4:42:44 PM
Get your balcony cleaned at an affordable rate Multi services is giving you 20% off your balcony cleaning A balcony can be a place of refuge -- a quiet escape where you can enjoy the scenery and take in a breath of fresh air. Sadly, the balcony can als...
Call today and save 20% On Move In/Move Out Cleaning 829 PleaseContact 9/10/2013 4:40:51 PM
Call today and save 20% On Move In/Move Out Cleaning Move In/Move Out Cleaning is our specialty. We offer a comprehensive move in/out package that cleans your establishment from top to bottom. Our rates vary depending on your specific needs. We make ...
Bridal & Bachelorette Spa Parties, We Bring the Spa Party to You 963 $20.00 2/20/2013 12:54:11 PM
Solace Mobile Spa brings the day spa experience to your Bridal or Bachelorette Party within the comfort of your own home or designated location any where in the GTA. We offer a full range of spa services, enjoy facials, pedicures, manicures, massages o...
Brazilian Waxing $25, Full Body Waxing - $60 978 $25.00 2/20/2013 12:43:36 PM
Whether it''''''''s an eyebrow waxing, bikini waxing, or our Famous Brazilian Waxing, You can expect to feel silky smooth for up to 6 weeks. Brazilian Waxing - $25 Eyebrow Waxing - $8 Upper Lip & Chin Waxing - $12 Under Arm Waxing - $12 Fac...
Mink Eyelash Extensions, Full Set (Unlimited Lash Count) 1035 $50.00 2/20/2013 12:34:53 PM
We offer individual Mink Eyelash Extensions, With proper and professional application, mink lash extensions feel and look completely real. The length and width of the lash extension we use is determined by the thickness and health of your natural las...
+ + + Any Wood Floor Installed in your Home + + + 1065 Free 3/13/2012 7:33:38 AM
Professional Experienced Installer! Any Wood Floor Installed in your Home. Installation of engineered, solid, pre-finished or unfinished hardwood, parquet, laminate Affordable Price with Professional Installation and highest quality! Fast, clea...
+ + + Round and Square Columns Installation + + + 1053 Free 3/13/2012 1:57:04 AM
? Just in One day your basement steel support posts can be wrapped up into beautiful columns! ? Empty doorway opening in a living/dining room? Add 2 Columns and get second HALF Price! ? Round and Square Columns ? Wooden and MDF Pillars ? From 4...
+ + Cover your basement metal support posts into beautiful column! + + 1431 Free 3/12/2012 12:10:25 AM
? Cover your basement metal support posts into beautiful column! ? Empty doorway opening in a living/dining room? Add 2 Columns and get second HALF Price! ? Round and Square Columns ? Wooden and MDF Pillars ? From 4 feet and up to 20 feet ? ...
Wainscoting Panel Toronto 1469 Free 3/10/2012 11:07:39 AM
We manufacturing and install wall paneling wainscoting, appliques, full interiors pannels, accent walls. We are offering numerious types of wall panells, wainscotings, wall trims and mouldings! Wall pannels and trims are not expensive but reach looking ...
Toronto LED Potlights Installation 1511 Free 3/8/2012 7:58:45 AM
We installing pot lights for $70 per one potlight on a first floor and $80 on a top floor including material and labour. These are Model home 4'''' potlights, NOT cheap looking 3" potlights ! Toronto LED Potlights Outdoor from $100 Licensed profess...
MDF Crown moulding installed by pros! 1138 Free 3/6/2012 2:43:06 AM
MDF Crown moulding installed by pros! We specialize in crown moulding installation and interior trimwork arround the house. Baseboards, casings, wainscoting, columns, arches openings, coffered ceilings, trimwork ceilings or any other trimwork. We are lo...
MDF Crown Moulding Services 1190 Free 3/5/2012 9:36:31 AM
ALEXMOULDING.COM 4" MDF Crown Mouldings from $3.80 per linear foot 5'''''''' starting $4.20 installed 7" from $4.50 20 and more types of mouldings available. Wainscoting, Columns, Chair Rails, Baseboard, coffered ceilings, Ceiling Medallions, paintin...
ALEXMOULDING.COM 1167 Free 3/4/2012 7:16:20 AM
ALEXMOULDING.COM 4" MDF Crown Mouldings from $3.80 per linear foot 5'''''''' starting $4.20 installed 7" from $4.50 20 and more types of mouldings available. Wainscoting, Columns, Chair Rails, Baseboard, coffered ceilings, Ceiling Medallions, paintin...
Coffered ceiling installtion in Toronto 1192 Free 3/4/2012 2:13:47 AM
Coffered ceiling installtion and manufactured in Toronto Canada. We offer absolutly custom selection of various types of coffered waffle beam ceilings. Stained naturall wood coffered ceiling, MDF coffered ceiling with 50 types of crown moulding are avai...
Vending Machine Services 975 Free 3/1/2012 3:53:16 PM
We supply Toronto and surrounding area with 24 hour vending services. We also buy and sell used vending machines. We are toronto''''s best vending service provider., toronto vending services
Toronto MDF Crown Moulding Services 1276 Free 2/25/2012 2:14:17 AM
• Toronto MDF Crown Mouldings starting at $4 per linear foot • 5'''''''' starting $4.50 installed • 20+ types of mouldings available. • Chair Rails, Wainscoting, Columns, trim, Baseboard, Ceiling Medallions, coffered ceilings, painting. • NO damag...
Toronto MDF Crown Moulding Services 1205 Free 2/23/2012 7:33:14 AM
• Toronto MDF Crown Mouldings starting at $4 per linear foot • 5'''''''' starting $4.50 installed • 20+ types of mouldings available. • Chair Rails, Wainscoting, Columns, trim, Baseboard, Ceiling Medallions, coffered ceilings, painting. • NO damag...
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