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$70 - Mink & 3D Multi-Layered Eyelash Extensions 821 $70.00 2/13/2014 12:27:37 PM
At Eye Kandy Lashes we strive to create a personal and very pleasant experience for each of our clients. We''''re not a Big Spa or Salon focusing on getting as many people in and out the door as possible, but rather a small Lash Studio that specializes in...
Bridal & Bachelorette Spa Parties, We Bring the Spa Party to You 968 $20.00 2/20/2013 12:54:11 PM
Solace Mobile Spa brings the day spa experience to your Bridal or Bachelorette Party within the comfort of your own home or designated location any where in the GTA. We offer a full range of spa services, enjoy facials, pedicures, manicures, massages o...
Brazilian Waxing $25, Full Body Waxing - $60 980 $25.00 2/20/2013 12:43:36 PM
Whether it''''''''s an eyebrow waxing, bikini waxing, or our Famous Brazilian Waxing, You can expect to feel silky smooth for up to 6 weeks. Brazilian Waxing - $25 Eyebrow Waxing - $8 Upper Lip & Chin Waxing - $12 Under Arm Waxing - $12 Fac...

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Mink Eyelash Extensions, Full Set (Unlimited Lash Count) 1036 $50.00 2/20/2013 12:34:53 PM
We offer individual Mink Eyelash Extensions, With proper and professional application, mink lash extensions feel and look completely real. The length and width of the lash extension we use is determined by the thickness and health of your natural las...
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